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Hello All,


       My name is Sameer and I am the president of the newley formed LASA (Liberal Arts and Science Academy) Engineering Club. Our club was founded last year with the intention of spreading different ideas of science and innovation with the intent of inspiring people to enjoy and continue working in the STEM field by working together on different math and science related projects.


       So far, we have had a very successful first year. We have over twenty members ranging from different backgrounds and genders. Our first goal as a group was to compete and preform well in the TSA TEAMS competition. TEAMS is a group oriented math and science competition that allows students to work on the fields of engineering while exploring the new technologies that exist in our time. We entered two teams of 8 people each. After many months of practicing, discussing and preparing for the exam we finally participated in the competition. Within several weeks, we came to learn that both teams achieved over the qualification score to attend nationals!   


         Unfortunately, nationals is in Dallas and it will take a lot more work in order to make our dream as a club, a reality. We want to utilize this amazing opportunity and not give it up simply because we could not afford it. Please help our club get to nationals. Any contribution is greatly appreciated.




Founder and President of LASA Engineering Club

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